Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Interview from Terkel Step # 2

Among different interviews, I choose two interviews from Terkel that mostly makes me curious to write. One with Dolores Danet who works as Waitress in a Restaurant and another is Sam Mature who works as barber in his own shop.

The interview with Dolores Danet makes us feel sad and emotional. If we read her interview it makes us to cry and she cried softly in interview. She is a waitress in a restaurant for twenty- three years. Although people have negative thinking on waitress, she doesn’t care. She feels proud to be waitress. Even though she has to work on tips she likes her job because she thinks working on tips is the best and fast way to earn money. According to her, becoming a waitress is an art. It is not an easy job. It’s tiring, nerve- racking. She can’t ever sit down and should roam around the table. She does all these hard work for tips.

In Terkel interview with Sam Mature, he works as a barber for forty three years and work in his own shop. According to him tipping is not a good way for income. He is in favor of not tipping. He thinks tipping is just for bellhop, redcap, waiter. Tipping feels him like a beggar. So, he doesn’t want to work on tips. He tells himself as a professional man by comparing his job with doctor and dentist concerning tips. Nobody gives tips to doctor and dentist because they are professional, so in Sam Mature thought working on tips is non- professional job. But when people ask about his job then he avoid that question because he doesn’t want to identify himself as a barber.

So, from those two interviews I found lot of difference in profession regarding same thing. Dolores Danet likes to work on tips, but Sam Mature is against it. Danet loves her job and feel proud of her job. But in contrast Sam Mature doesn’t feel proud of his job but feel shy to tell his profession when somebody asks him. If we compare those two interviews then directly or indirectly Sam Mature views towards Danet is beggar because she works on tip. But she likes her job and feels proud to be waitress.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really interesting comparison - what questions about service work and the service economy might it lead us to? And what questions might you start to explore in your essay #3?
